April 8, 2011

Commentary:  Thanks for the Memories

This is the GTI's finale.  After 12 years, it's time to move
on.  As much as I admire George Gilder, who needs an
index based on a bunch of companies from a defunct
newsletter of years ago? 

The GTI has had a wild ride, with transcendent heights
and nerve-wracking lows.  As an investor, it has been
a blast.  As its chronicler, it has been a privilege and
the source of many happy memories.

And it ends with a bit of a flourish.  The
lavish premium
Texas Instruments is paying to acquire NSM brought
smiles to our faces this week, both to the GTI's and
to that of yours truly.  NSM is now the number one
stock in the GTI this year.

Tonight Debbie and I will open our last bottle of the
DRC Richebourg, a leftover from those giddy
Gilder go-go days.  It seems an appropriate way
to celebrate.

One of the best parts of the GTI for me has been the
people I have met through it. I thank you all for your
support and friendship over the years.